/*============================================================================== File Name: ColumnWizard.jsx Title: Column Wizard Version: 1.0.0 Author: Phize Author URI: http://phize.net http://dxd8.com Copyright(C) 2008 Phize ==============================================================================*/ #target photoshop app.bringToFront(); // Column Wizard function columnWizard() { // ========== SETTING BEGIN ========== // en: You may change these value for default setting. // ja: デフォルト設定を変えることができます var option = { columnMax: 3, // en: maximum number of column ('1' or above) // ja: カラムの最大数 ('1'以上) columnNum: 2, // en: default number of column ja: デフォルトのカラム数 bgColor: 'CCCCCC', // en: background color ja: 背景色 drawShape: true, // en: draw shapes of column(s)? ('true' or 'false') // ja: カラムのシェイプを作成する? ('true' または 'false') // en: default setting for column ja: カラムのデフォルト設定 column: [ // en: canvas ja: 全体 { marginTop: 128, marginRight: 128, marginBottom: 128, marginLeft: 128 }, // en: columns (repeat for 'columnMax') // ja: カラム ('columnMax'の数だけ繰り返してください) // en: column 1 ja: カラム 1 { marginTop: 0, marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0, marginBottom: 0, width: 544, height: 800, bgColor: '00A0E9' }, // en: column 2 ja: カラム 2 { marginTop: 0, marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0, marginBottom: 0, width: 256, height: 800, bgColor: '8FC31F' }, // en: column 3 ja: カラム 3 { marginTop: 0, marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0, marginBottom: 0, width: 180, height: 800, bgColor: 'EA68A2' } // en: column ... // remove '//' of line below and repeat, if you increase the value of 'columnMax'. // ja: カラム ... // 'columnMax'の数を増やした場合は、下の行の'//'を削除して繰り返してください。 // , { marginTop: 0, marginRight: 0, marginBottom: 0, marginLeft: 0, width: 256, height: 800, bgColor: 'FFFFFF' } ] }; // en: locale ja: ロケール // English: 'en' // 日本語 : 'ja' // en: remove '//' of line below, if you'd like to set locale manually. // ja: ロケールを手動で設定したい場合は、下の行の'//'を削除してください。 // $.locale = 'en'; // ========== SETTING END ========== // text for localize var text = { title: { en: 'Column Wizard', ja: 'カラムウィザード' }, option: { en: 'Option', ja: 'オプション' }, bgColor: { en: 'Background color', ja: '背景色' }, drawShape: { en: 'Draw shapes of column(s)', ja: 'カラムのシェイプを作る' }, columnNumber: { en: 'Column number', ja: 'カラム数' }, canvas: { en: 'Canvas', ja: '全体' }, column: { en: 'Column', ja: 'カラム' }, marginTop: { en: 'Margin top', ja: '上余白' }, marginRight: { en: 'Margin right', ja: '右余白' }, marginBottom: { en: 'Margin bottom', ja: '下余白' }, marginLeft: { en: 'Margin left', ja: '左余白' }, width: { en: 'Width', ja: '幅' }, height: { en: 'Height', ja: '高さ' }, ok: { en: 'OK', ja: 'OK' }, cancel: { en: 'Cancel', ja: 'キャンセル' }, newDoc: { en: 'New Document', ja: '新規ドキュメント' } }; // panelColumn // column panel function panelColumn() { this.initialize(); } panelColumn.prototype = { initialize: function() { this.id = 0; }, create: function(dlg, prop) { prop = prop || {}; this.dlg = dlg; this.id = prop.id || this.id; this.name = prop.name || localize(text.column) + ' ' + this.id; this.marginTop = prop.marginTop || 0; this.marginRight = prop.marginRight || 0; this.marginBottom = prop.marginBottom || 0; this.marginLeft = prop.marginLeft || 0; this.width = prop.width || 256; this.height = prop.height || 800; this.bgColor = prop.bgColor || 'FFFFFF'; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id] = this.dlg.add('panel', undefined, this.name); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].orientation = 'column'; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].alignChildren = 'right'; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginTop = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].add('group'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginLeft = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].add('group'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginRight = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].add('group'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginBottom = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].add('group'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gWidth = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].add('group'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gHeight = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].add('group'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gBgColor = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].add('group'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginTop.orientation = 'row'; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginTop.lTop = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginTop.add('statictext', undefined, localize(text.marginTop) + ':'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginTop.marginTop = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginTop.add('edittext', undefined, this.marginTop); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginTop.marginTop.preferredSize = [ 32, 20 ]; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginTop.lTopUnits = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginTop.add('statictext', undefined, 'px'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginLeft.orientation = 'row'; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginLeft.lLeft = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginLeft.add('statictext', undefined, localize(text.marginLeft) + ':'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginLeft.marginLeft = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginLeft.add('edittext', undefined, this.marginLeft); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginLeft.marginLeft.preferredSize = [ 32, 20 ]; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginLeft.lLeftUnits = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginLeft.add('statictext', undefined, 'px'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginRight.orientation = 'row'; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginRight.lRight = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginRight.add('statictext', undefined, localize(text.marginRight) + ':'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginRight.marginRight = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginRight.add('edittext', undefined, this.marginRight); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginRight.marginRight.preferredSize = [ 32, 20 ]; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginRight.lRightUnits = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginRight.add('statictext', undefined, 'px'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginBottom.orientation = 'row'; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginBottom.lBottom = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginBottom.add('statictext', undefined, localize(text.marginBottom) + ':'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginBottom.marginBottom = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginBottom.add('edittext', undefined, this.marginBottom); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginBottom.marginBottom.preferredSize = [ 32, 20 ]; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginBottom.lBottomUnits = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginBottom.add('statictext', undefined, 'px'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gWidth.orientation = 'row'; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gWidth.lWidth = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gWidth.add('statictext', undefined, localize(text.width) + ':'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gWidth.width = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gWidth.add('edittext', undefined, this.width); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gWidth.width.preferredSize = [ 32, 20 ]; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gWidth.lWidthUnits = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gWidth.add('statictext', undefined, 'px'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gHeight.orientation = 'row'; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gHeight.lHeight = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gHeight.add('statictext', undefined, localize(text.height) + ':'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gHeight.height = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gHeight.add('edittext', undefined, this.height); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gHeight.height.preferredSize = [ 32, 20 ]; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gHeight.lheightUnits = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gHeight.add('statictext', undefined, 'px'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gBgColor.orientation = 'row'; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gBgColor.lBgColor = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gBgColor.add('statictext', undefined, localize(text.bgColor) + ':'); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gBgColor.bgColor = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gBgColor.add('edittext', undefined, this.bgColor); this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gBgColor.bgColor.preferredSize = [ 56, 20 ]; }, getMarginTop: function(){ return parseInt(this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginTop.marginTop.text); }, getMarginRight: function() { return parseInt(this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginRight.marginRight.text); }, getMarginBottom: function() { return parseInt(this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginBottom.marginBottom.text); }, getMarginLeft: function() { return parseInt(this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginLeft.marginLeft.text); }, getWidth: function() { return parseInt(this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gWidth.width.text); }, getHeight: function() { return parseInt(this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gHeight.height.text); }, getBgColor: function() { return this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gBgColor.bgColor.text; }, disableWidth: function() { this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gWidth.width.enabled = false; }, disableHeight: function() { this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gHeight.height.enabled = false; }, disableBgColor: function() { this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gBgColor.bgColor.enabled = false; }, enableBgColor: function() { this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gBgColor.bgColor.enabled = true; }, disableEdit: function() { this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginTop.marginTop.enabled = false; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginRight.marginRight.enabled = false; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginBottom.marginBottom.enabled = false; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginLeft.marginLeft.enabled = false; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gWidth.width.enabled = false; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gHeight.height.enabled = false; }, enableEdit: function() { this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginTop.marginTop.enabled = true; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginRight.marginRight.enabled = true; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginBottom.marginBottom.enabled = true; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginLeft.marginLeft.enabled = true; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gWidth.width.enabled = true; this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gHeight.height.enabled = true; } } // panelColumnMaster extend panelColumn // master column panel function panelColumnMaster(dlg, prop) { if (panelColumn.prototype.masterId != undefined) { return new panelColumnChild(dlg, prop); } panelColumn.prototype.column = panelColumn.prototype.column || 0; panelColumn.prototype.masterId = panelColumn.prototype.column; prop = prop || {}; prop.id = panelColumn.prototype.column; prop.name = prop.name || localize(text.canvas); panelColumn.call(this); this.create(dlg, prop); this.disableWidth(); this.disableHeight(); panelColumn.prototype.column ++; var _self = this; // calculate size panelColumn.prototype.calculateSize = function() { var w = 0; for (var i = 0; i < _self.dlg.pColumn.length; i ++) { if (i != panelColumn.prototype.masterId && _self.dlg.pColumn[i].gWidth.width.enabled) { w += parseInt(_self.dlg.pColumn[i].gWidth.width.text) + parseInt(_self.dlg.pColumn[i].gMarginLeft.marginLeft.text) + parseInt(_self.dlg.pColumn[i].gMarginRight.marginRight.text); } } _self.dlg.pColumn[panelColumn.prototype.masterId].gWidth.width.text = w; var h = 0; for (i = 0; i < _self.dlg.pColumn.length; i ++) { if (i != panelColumn.prototype.masterId && _self.dlg.pColumn[i].gHeight.height.enabled) { h = Math.max(h, parseInt(_self.dlg.pColumn[i].gHeight.height.text) + parseInt(_self.dlg.pColumn[i].gMarginTop.marginTop.text) + parseInt(_self.dlg.pColumn[i].gMarginBottom.marginBottom.text)); } } _self.dlg.pColumn[panelColumn.prototype.masterId].gHeight.height.text = h; } } panelColumnMaster.prototype = new panelColumn(); panelColumnMaster.constructor = panelColumnMaster; // panelColumnChild extend panelColumn // child column panel function panelColumnChild(dlg, prop) { panelColumn.prototype.column = panelColumn.prototype.column || 0; prop = prop || {}; prop.id = panelColumn.prototype.column; panelColumn.call(this); this.create(dlg, prop); panelColumn.prototype.column ++; // changed edit text this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginTop.marginTop.onChanging = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginRight.marginRight.onChanging = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginBottom.marginBottom.onChanging = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gMarginLeft.marginLeft.onChanging = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gWidth.width.onChanging = this.dlg.pColumn[this.id].gHeight.height.onChanging = function() { panelColumn.prototype.calculateSize(); } } panelColumnChild.prototype = new panelColumn(); panelColumnChild.constructor = panelColumnChild; function toRGB(code) { var dec = parseInt('0x' + code); var r = (dec & 0xff0000) >>> 0x000010; var g = (dec & 0x00ff00) >>> 0x000008; var b = (dec & 0x0000ff); return { r: r, g: g, b: b }; } // add guide function addGuide(offset, orientation) { var id1 = charIDToTypeID('Mk '); var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor(); var id2 = charIDToTypeID('Nw '); var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor(); var id3 = charIDToTypeID('Pstn'); var id4 = charIDToTypeID('#Rlt'); desc2.putUnitDouble(id3, id4, offset); var id5 = charIDToTypeID('Ornt'); var id6 = charIDToTypeID('Ornt'); var id7 = charIDToTypeID(orientation); desc2.putEnumerated(id5, id6, id7); var id8 = charIDToTypeID('Gd '); desc1.putObject(id2, id8, desc2); executeAction(id1, desc1, DialogModes.NO); } // draw shape function drawShape(sx, sy, ex, ey, color, name) { var rgb = toRGB(color); var id1 = charIDToTypeID('Mk '); var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor(); var id2 = charIDToTypeID('null'); var ref1 = new ActionReference(); var id3 = stringIDToTypeID('contentLayer'); ref1.putClass(id3); desc1.putReference(id2, ref1); var id4 = charIDToTypeID('Usng'); var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor(); var id5 = charIDToTypeID('Type'); var id6 = stringIDToTypeID('solidColorLayer'); desc2.putClass(id5, id6); var id7 = charIDToTypeID('Shp '); var desc3 = new ActionDescriptor(); var id8 = charIDToTypeID('Top '); var id9 = charIDToTypeID('#Pxl'); desc3.putUnitDouble(id8, id9, sy); var id10 = charIDToTypeID('Left'); var id11 = charIDToTypeID('#Pxl'); desc3.putUnitDouble(id10, id11, sx); var id12 = charIDToTypeID('Btom'); var id13 = charIDToTypeID('#Pxl'); desc3.putUnitDouble(id12, id13, ey); var id14 = charIDToTypeID('Rght'); var id15 = charIDToTypeID('#Pxl'); desc3.putUnitDouble(id14, id15, ex); var id16 = charIDToTypeID('Rctn'); desc2.putObject(id7, id16, desc3); var id17 = stringIDToTypeID('contentLayer'); desc1.putObject(id4, id17, desc2); executeAction(id1, desc1, DialogModes.NO); var id18 = charIDToTypeID('setd'); var desc4 = new ActionDescriptor(); var id19 = charIDToTypeID('null'); var ref2 = new ActionReference(); var id20 = stringIDToTypeID('contentLayer'); var id21 = charIDToTypeID('Ordn'); var id22 = charIDToTypeID('Trgt'); ref2.putEnumerated(id20, id21, id22); desc4.putReference(id19, ref2); var id23 = charIDToTypeID('T '); var desc5 = new ActionDescriptor(); var id24 = charIDToTypeID('Clr '); var desc6 = new ActionDescriptor(); var id25 = charIDToTypeID('Rd '); desc6.putDouble(id25, rgb.r); var id26 = charIDToTypeID('Grn '); desc6.putDouble(id26, rgb.g); var id27 = charIDToTypeID('Bl '); desc6.putDouble(id27, rgb.b); var id28 = charIDToTypeID('RGBC'); desc5.putObject(id24, id28, desc6); var id29 = stringIDToTypeID('solidColorLayer'); desc4.putObject(id23, id29, desc5); executeAction(id18, desc4, DialogModes.NO); var id30 = charIDToTypeID('setd'); var desc7 = new ActionDescriptor(); var id31 = charIDToTypeID('null'); var ref3 = new ActionReference(); var id32 = charIDToTypeID('Lyr '); var id33 = charIDToTypeID('Ordn'); var id34 = charIDToTypeID('Trgt'); ref3.putEnumerated(id32, id33, id34); desc7.putReference(id31, ref3); var id35 = charIDToTypeID('T '); var desc8 = new ActionDescriptor(); var id36 = charIDToTypeID('Nm '); desc8.putString(id36, name); var id37 = charIDToTypeID('Lyr '); desc7.putObject(id35, id37, desc8); executeAction(id30, desc7, DialogModes.NO); } // changed column function changeColumn() { if (dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text != '' && dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text < 1) { dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text = 1; } if (dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text > option.columnMax) { dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text = option.columnMax; } for (var i = 0; i < dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text; i ++) { c[i].enableEdit(); } for (var i = dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text; i < c.length; i ++) { c[i].disableEdit(); } cM.calculateSize(); } // check option if (option.columnMax < 1) { option.columnMax = 1; } if (option.columnNum < 1) { option.columnNum = 1; } if (option.columnNum > option.columnMax) { option.columnNum = option.columnMax; } // dialog setting var dlg = new Window('dialog', localize(text.title)); dlg.orientation = 'column'; // option panel dlg.pOption = dlg.add('panel', undefined, localize(text.option)); dlg.pOption.orientation = 'row'; dlg.pOption.alignment = 'fill'; dlg.pOption.alignChildren = 'center'; dlg.pOption.gColumn = dlg.pOption.add('group'); dlg.pOption.gColumn.orientation = 'row'; dlg.pOption.gColumn.lColumn = dlg.pOption.gColumn.add('statictext', undefined, localize(text.columnNumber) + ':'); dlg.pOption.gColumn.column = dlg.pOption.gColumn.add('edittext', undefined, option.columnNum); dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.preferredSize = [ 24, 20 ]; dlg.pOption.gBgColor = dlg.pOption.add('group'); dlg.pOption.gBgColor.orientation = 'row'; dlg.pOption.gBgColor.lBgColor = dlg.pOption.gBgColor.add('statictext', undefined, localize(text.bgColor) + ':'); dlg.pOption.gBgColor.bgColor = dlg.pOption.gBgColor.add('edittext', undefined, option.bgColor); dlg.pOption.gBgColor.bgColor.preferredSize = [ 56, 20 ]; dlg.pOption.gDrawShape = dlg.pOption.add('group'); dlg.pOption.gDrawShape.orientation = 'row'; dlg.pOption.gDrawShape.drawShape = dlg.pOption.gDrawShape.add('checkbox', undefined, localize(text.drawShape)); dlg.pOption.gDrawShape.drawShape.value = option.drawShape; // changed draw shape option var changeDrawShape = dlg.pOption.gDrawShape.drawShape.onClick = function() { if (dlg.pOption.gDrawShape.drawShape.value) { cM.enableBgColor(); for (var i = 0; i < dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text; i ++) { c[i].enableBgColor(); } } else { cM.disableBgColor(); for (i = 0; i < dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text; i ++) { c[i].disableBgColor(); } } for (i = dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text; i < c.length; i ++) { c[i].disableBgColor(); } } // changed column var changeColumn = dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.onChanging = function() { if (dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text != '' && dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text < 1) { dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text = 1; } if (dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text > option.columnMax) { dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text = option.columnMax; } for (var i = 0; i < dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text; i ++) { c[i].enableEdit(); } for (i = dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text; i < c.length; i ++) { c[i].disableEdit(); } cM.calculateSize(); changeDrawShape(); } // columns group dlg.gColumns = dlg.add('group'); dlg.gColumns.orientation = 'row'; dlg.gColumns.pColumn = []; var prop = option.column[0] || {}; var cM = new panelColumnMaster(dlg.gColumns, prop); var c = []; for (var i = 0; i < option.columnMax; i ++) { prop = option.column[i + 1] || {}; prop.name = localize(text.column) + ' ' + (i + 1); c[i] = new panelColumnChild(dlg.gColumns, prop); } cM.calculateSize(); changeColumn(); // button group dlg.gButton = dlg.add('group'); dlg.gButton.orientation = 'row'; dlg.gButton.bOk = dlg.gButton.add('button', undefined, localize(text.ok), { name: 'ok' }); dlg.gButton.bCancel = dlg.gButton.add('button', undefined, localize(text.cancel), { name: 'cancel' }); // add guide dlg.gButton.bOk.onClick = function() { var cM_mt = cM.getMarginTop(); var cM_mr = cM.getMarginRight(); var cM_mb = cM.getMarginBottom(); var cM_ml = cM.getMarginLeft(); var cM_w = cM.getWidth(); var cM_h = cM.getHeight(); var doc_w = cM_ml + cM_w + cM_mr; var doc_h = cM_mt + cM_h + cM_mb; var _backgroundColor = app.backgroundColor; app.backgroundColor.rgb.hexValue = dlg.pOption.gBgColor.bgColor.text; var doc = app.documents.add(doc_w, doc_h, 72.0, localize(text.newDoc), NewDocumentMode.RGB, DocumentFill.BACKGROUNDCOLOR); app.backgroundColor = _backgroundColor; // add guide addGuide(cM_ml, 'Vrtc'); addGuide(cM_ml + cM_w, 'Vrtc'); addGuide(cM_ml + cM_w + cM_mr, 'Vrtc'); addGuide(cM_mt, 'Hrzn'); addGuide(cM_mt + cM_h, 'Hrzn'); addGuide(cM_mt + cM_h + cM_mb, 'Hrzn'); if (dlg.pOption.gDrawShape.drawShape.value) { drawShape(cM_ml, cM_mt, cM_ml + cM_w, cM_mt + cM_h, cM.getBgColor(), localize(text.canvas)); } var w = cM_ml; var sx, sy, ex, ey; for (var i = 0; i < dlg.pOption.gColumn.column.text; i ++) { var h = cM_mt; sx = w += c[i].getMarginLeft(); addGuide(w, 'Vrtc'); sy = h += c[i].getMarginTop(); addGuide(h, 'Hrzn'); ex = w += c[i].getWidth(); addGuide(w, 'Vrtc'); ey = h += c[i].getHeight(); addGuide(h, 'Hrzn'); w += c[i].getMarginRight(); addGuide(w, 'Vrtc'); h += c[i].getMarginBottom(); addGuide(h, 'Hrzn'); if (dlg.pOption.gDrawShape.drawShape.value) { drawShape(sx, sy, ex, ey, c[i].getBgColor(), localize(text.column) + ' ' + (i + 1)); } } dlg.close(); } // canceled dlg.gButton.bCancel.onClick = function() { dlg.close(); } dlg.center(); dlg.show(); } // store default setting var _rulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits; var _typeUnits = app.preferences.typeUnits; var _displayDialogs = app.displayDialogs; // set setting app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; app.preferences.typeUnits = TypeUnits.PIXELS; app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO; columnWizard(); // restore default setting app.preferences.rulerUnits = _rulerUnits; app.preferences.typeUnits = _typeUnits; app.displayDialogs = _displayDialogs;